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Forces, Daesh still engage in battle at MOAB site

Forces, Daesh still engage in battle at MOAB site

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23 Apr 2017 - 23:42
Forces, Daesh still engage in battle at MOAB site
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23 Apr 2017 - 23:42

ACHIN DISTRICT (Pajhwok): Security forces and Daesh or Islamic State fighters have been locked in a battle since ‘the mother all bombs’ (Moab) strike 11 days ago in the Achin district of eastern Nangarhar province.

The security forces have not been able to drive the resisting fighters from a stronghold spread over eight kilometers.

The US military dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb ever deployed in combat earlier this month on a tunnel complex used by suspected Daesh loyalists in the Achin district.

On Sunday, a group of journalists was allowed to get close to the site of the massive bomb strike with destructive power equvilant to 11 tons.

The journalists were allowed to see and take photos of the apparent bombing site from at least 150 metres in a green area because of what the commando forces said the threat of landmines.

Photos taken by Pajhwok Afghan News -- some of the first images from journalists --- reveal signs of destruction, but offer little evidence of how much material and human damage the powerful bomb inflicted. There were also little clues as to the number of casualties or their identities.

A commander of the commando forces, who accompanied the journalists, Haji Baig, pointed to the strike site and said the explosion sent a destructive blast wave for up to 500 square metres.

“Daesh militants had constructed strong and fortified bunkers which had been destroyed completely and our operation is ongoing in Mamand Tangi area,” the commander at the scene said.

He said security forces were still engaged in a gun-battle with Daesh militants, but the clash was not intense and the Daesh gunmen were fighting for survival.

Airstrikes by foreign troops continued in the area. Security forces are control of Asadkhel area but the nearby Mamand Dara area is controlled by Daesh militants.

Local security officials said they had recaptured a six kilometers area from Daesh militants after the Moab strike. They said a protracted battle was needed to recapture the remaining eight kilometers area from the outfit.

People of the area have fled homes but some families have left their household items behind apparently due to lack of time to save their lives.

Local residents seemed happy with the ongoing Operation Hamza by the Afghan security forces. They were happy with the Moab strike and demanded the operations to be further intensified.

Sar Tor, a local resident, angrily said: “Daesh killed elderly people, young women, children and blew their opponents with bombs and subjected them to various atrocities in the Shinwari district.”

The resident said he believed the largest bomb had been dropped on ‘the right place’ and rejected the presence of civilians at the time of the strike.

“We live near the strike site. It’s enemy propaganda that civilians were there at the time. I say bombs bigger than Moab, the grandfather of all bombs, should be dropped on Daesh.”

Security forces at the scene did not allow journalist to get further close to the bombing site, but they said they had visited the site and besides other signs of destruction, they had seen dead bodies of at least 20 Daesh militants.

Government officials said the operation in Achin district would continue until the Daesh group was completely annihilated.

But Daesh on its Radio Caliphate has announced its suffered no casualties in the Moab strike and the Operation Hamza.


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