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Kabul, Doha discuss cooperation in peace process

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4 Jan 2021 - 09:46
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4 Jan 2021 - 09:46

KABUL (Pajhwok): Foreign Minister HanifAtmar and the Ambassador of Qatar in Kabul on Monday discussed increased cooperation between the two countries in the fields of politics, economy, health and education, the peace talks and other issues of mutual interest.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said Foreign Minister HanifAtmar met with Saeed bin Mubarak Al-Khayarin Al-Hajar, Ambassador of the Government of Qatar in Kabul, in his office on Monday.

Atmar expressed his gratitude for condolences of the Qatari government and officials over the sudden demise of Afghan ambassador to Doha Hakim Dalili and participation of Dr. Mutlaq al-Qahtani, Special Envoy of the Qatari Foreign Minister, in his funeral and Doha’s mediation in resolving the conflict in Afghanistan.

He called relations between Afghanistan and Qatar as friendly and brotherly and praised Doha’s efforts to start and continue talks between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban.

The Qatari ambassador termed the death of Abdul Hakim as a great loss and said his country would continue its efforts to expand and strengthen relations between Afghanistan and Qatar.

He said his country would continue cooperation in various fields with the Afghan government and people.

The two sides discussed expansion of cooperation between Afghanistan and Qatar in political, economic, health and education fields, peace talks and other related issues during the meeting.


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