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Govt, Taliban reject power-sharing strategy claim

Govt, Taliban reject power-sharing strategy claim

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28 Jan 2021 - 21:55
Govt, Taliban reject power-sharing strategy claim
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28 Jan 2021 - 21:55

KABUL (Pajhwok): Reports that a strategy has been finalized under which the Afghan government and the Taliban would share power and would be given control of areas currently under their respective control are misleading.

The Afghan government and Taliban negotiating teams have agreed on procedural rules in Doha after around two and a half months of discussions and the second round of the talks kicked off in Doha on January 9. The talks are underway without any progress.

The negotiating teams have held three meetings in the second round of talks in Doha so far. These meetings did not deeply discuss relevant issues while according to Nader Naderi, no meeting between the two sides had been held since past ten days.

Claim: A strategy has been formed through which Afghan government and the Taliban would share power and every side would control their areas.

Kabul News claimed obtaining a strategy of an interim government through which the Taliban and Afghan government would share power 50, 50. The Prime Minister position would be created, the interim president would have five deputies, the Taliban would get seats in the parliament and during the interim government period, the Taliban would control their areas and the Afghan government would control their own areas.

Some other media outlets also made similar claims.

But the Taliban spokesperson in Qatar and the State Ministry for Peace Affairs categorically rejected the reports.

Taliban Qatar Office Spokesperson Dr. Mohammad Naeem told Pajhwok Afghan News: “We have many times clarified our stance on an interim government that it is not part of our strategy and this will not resolve the problems.”

NajiaAnwari, spokesperson for the State Ministry for Peace Affairs, said: “This is totally wrong, no such meetings had been held to discuss an interim government and related issues. I cannot say anything about information gossips.”

Spokesperson of the High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) was reached for comment about the interim government claim, but he did not respond.

Outcome: Afghan State Ministry for Peace Affairs and the Taliban reject reports regarding an interim government and both sides say no discussion has taken place in this regard.

Verdict: Reports on power sharing between Afghan government and the Taliban through an interim government are incorrect.


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