QALA-I-NAW (Pajhwok): The people of northwestern Badghis province, who have been displaced by the recent war and insecurity, are living in dire economic straits. They urge all citizens to stop violence in their homes, villages and communities and adhere to mutual tolerance.
More than four decades of war in Afghanistan have forced millions of Afghans to flee the country and hundreds of thousands more have been displaced from one part of the country to another.
Some sources put the number of casualties at one million, while others put the number at two million. Some 4.4 million people or 13.9 percent of the country’s population have been disabled and more than half of the country’s population lives below the poverty line.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have fled the fighting from one province to another and from districts to cities face dire economic conditions and many complain of a lack of basic living facilities.
Guljan, a 65-year-old resident of Muqur district in Badghis who took refuge in the provincial capital two years ago due to insecurity and fighting, said the war and insecurity was the cause of his misery and the plight of hundreds of other families like him.
“When there was no war 40 years ago, we had a good life, we didn’t need anyone and we studied in peace, my father worked and my mother was involved in educating her children. But, unfortunately, I spent the 40 years in misery and migration.”
The old man, who is the sole breadwinner of the family, runs a handcart in different parts of Qala-e-Naw from morning till evening to find a loaf of bread.
Guljan has six daughters and two small sons and is forced to work at any cost to support his family.
Guljan, whose hands were shaking due to cold weather, said: “Thank God, God has established security in the country, the war is over, but our hope is that this time there will be peace and tranquility in the country.”
He stopped the cart at a grocery store, saying: “This white beard shows me how sad I am. There are thousands of old men like me whose children have been killed. The blood of many people has been shed on this land, today when peace has come, we must strive for its continuation, we must all strive, the newly formed state must strive for the happiness, joy and prosperity of the people.”
He says that although poverty has increased since the fall of the previous regime, the lives of many people have deteriorated and the poor are in a bad economic situation, but people are happy that the country is more secure than under the previous regime.
He pointed to the people who were buying and selling in the city and said: “I have a message for the people to get rid of war, violence, prejudice and live like brothers.”
But it is not just Guljan who has been devastated by the war and spent more than 40 years in misery, but thousands of families like him across the country, especially in Badghis province, have been displaced by the war and insecurity and now living in poor economic conditions.
Juma Niaz, a 75-year-old resident of Badghis province, said his only son was killed in a battle between the government and insurgents several years ago.
“My son was a farmer, we had a decent life. It’s a gift from the war that left me and my gray-haired wife alone today,” he said, glancing at his son’s clothes and equipment.
According to him, his daughter in law went to his father’s house after his son’s death and left them alone.
Living in a dilapidated house, he says he lost his job due to the death of his son, and lives with the help of friends, relatives and charities.
He raised his hands in prayer and said: “My hope is that peace will prevail, that the security that has come will be lasting, that our people will all live in peace. War only brings destruction.”
According to the elder, whenever mutual acceptance among people increases, Afghanistan will be free from violence and the atmosphere in the country will be better than ever.