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Firozkoh residents turn to fruits, veggies to fight Covid-19

FIROZKOH (Pajhwok): Many people in western Ghor province say they consume fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent coronavirus infection as per recommendation of health experts.

Vegetable and fresh fruit sellers in Ghor are happy over the increased number of customers and say they had limited sales before the spread of coronavirus.

Ahmadullah, a fruits seller in Firozkoh, also said that many residents of the province turned to buying fresh fruits after the spread of coronavirus.

“After the pandemic of coronavirus, lemon, kiwi, sweet orange, watermelons have a high demand, we sell several kilograms of each of them in a day, we did not have that much sales before coronavirus,” he said.

Mohammad Ibrahim, a vegetables seller in Firozkoh city, also said their sales have increased after the start of coronavirus pandemic.

“Before the virus spread, people used dairy products in Ghor and less preferred to consume vegetables, but our sales have increased after the pandemic started, thanks God,” he said.

He said that the sales of most of vegetable sellers in the province have increased.

People defeated coronavirus with fruits and vegetables.

Hamdullah Kakar, a resident of Ghor province who twice contracted coronavirus and recovered both times, said, “I was infected with the virus once in Iran and the second time in Afghanistan, I defeated the coronavirus by eating fruits and vegetables.”

He said that he fewer times consumed vegetables before the coronavirus pandemic and most of times he consumed dairy and edible seeds as well as meat.

While carrying a bag of fresh fruits and vegetables, he said, “Consuming these things are now our habit, I would consume lemon, kiwi, sweet orange, vegetables and liquids when I was infected with the coronavirus; I would prepare soup from any kind of vegetables which were very helpful.”

Meanwhile, Niamatullah, another resident of Ghor, who recently recovered from coronavirus, said, “I was obliged to consume vegetables and soup as well as fruits when they were accessible when I was infected by the virus because there were limited treatment facilities of the disease in Ghor, consuming them has now become our habit.”

“Before infection by coronavirus when we would fall sick, we would eat a lot of meat besides taking medicines as we thought meat can strengthen human’s body, but when coronavirus pandemic started and doctors recommended to use vegetables and fresh fruits, we understood that vegetables and fruits are better than meat,” he said.

Niamatullah said that he and all his family members preferred vegetables and fresh fruits as their habit and always used them in meals.

Fruits, vegetables improve body’s immune system: Doctors

Dr. Mohammad Sharif Ghazizadeh, head of Covid-19 Response Center in Ghor, told Pajhwok Afghan News that good nutrition played a key role in boosting the body’s immune system.

“Certainly, vegetables, natural fruit juices, liquids such as milk, soups and tea give the body more energy and prevent coronavirus infection. Every person or family should include in their menu the items mentioned. Because these are sources of vitamins,” he said.

He said that the best diet for Covid-19 patients is a soft and high protein diet.

Meanwhile, Dr. Abdul Ahmad Noori, head of Ghor Provincial Hospital, emphasized the need to increase the use of fruits and vegetables.

He says that besides vegetables, fruits and most liquids, two main types of vitamins play a key role in strengthening the body’s immune system. He said that vitamin (C) and vitamin (D) play key role in making a healthy body.

Noori said that using soup, honey, tea, turmeric, ginger, onion and other food can help increase the body’s immunity. He said a stronger immune system could defeat the virus.



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