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Taliban reject Bennett’s report on human rights as ‘biased’

Taliban reject Bennett’s report on human rights as ‘biased’

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28 Oct 2022 - 14:26
Taliban reject Bennett’s report on human rights as ‘biased’
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28 Oct 2022 - 14:26

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday rejected United Nations Special Rapporteur Richard Bennett’s report on human rights situation in Afghanistan as ‘biased, one-sided and unprofessional’.

The UN Special Rapporteur for Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, yesterday expressed his concern regarding the unprecedented major drawback in women’s rights in Afghanistan’s history.

Bennett speaking at the UN General Assembly warned that the women’s rights situation in Afghanistan is worst even comparing to the first period of Taliban’s rule back in 1997 to 2001.

The UN Special Rapporteur pointing to imposed restrictions against women in Afghanistan accused the Taliban of racial discrimination meant to exclude women from social arenas.

He referring to his trip to Kabul, Bamyan and Panjshir as well as the criticism of people of gap between Afghanistan and international community said that the people in Afghanistan have not ever expected to be abandoned and disappointed.

Bennett also expressed his grave concern on restrictions against ordinary people in Panjshir, according to him the farmer is not able to go to his farm, and the shepherd cannot take care of his herd outside.

The UN Special Rapporteur also pointed to skirmishes in north part of Afghanistan as well as to extrajudicial killing of war prisoners, adding that it is the violation of international and human rights.

According to Bennett people are being repressed, and exposed to tyranny. Richard Bennett also stated that media was under censorship in Afghanistan and journalists were not allowed to cover the explosion at Kaaj education center, and even were not permitted to go to the scene or hospital.

The UN official returned to New York last week after a 12-day trip to Afghanistan and presented his report to the General Assembly last night.

However, the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected Bennett’s report as one-sided, biased and far from reality.

The ministry in a statement said Bennett’s report was against what he saw during his last visit to Afghanistan and what he told the Islamic Emirate officials, adding that spreading false rumors was against his profession and status.

“Such irresponsible statements are aimed at creating disunity in the Afghan society; Recently, Bennett recently shared his email address with the people through Twitter and said human rights complaints should be shared with him”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked Richard Bennett to discharge his duty as an impartial and professional reporter and present problems and the development of human rights in a balanced and fair manner.

During Bennett’s trip to Afghanistan, Islamic Emirate officials presented him with all evidence the progress of human rights in Afghanistan, but Bennett turned a blind eye to all developments in his statements, such actions could hurt the spirit of cooperation.

The UN Special Rapporteur clearly stated in his report that the Islamic Emirate authorities provided him with all facilities for travel and made it possible for him to access provinces and sensitive places such as prisons.

“It is a manifestation of the fact that the Islamic Emirate has nothing to hide and wants to be transparently investigated about human rights, but despite this, Bennett presented a one-sided and unprofessional report.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued Bennett should have mentioned in his report the damage the Afghans and Afghanistan suffered at the hands of the US and its allies due to the 20-year war.  He should have considered humanitarian crisis resulting from frozen assets of Afghanistan


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