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45 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week

45 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week

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10 Dec 2022 - 19:34
45 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week
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10 Dec 2022 - 19:34

KABUL (Pajhwok): Last week, acting Defence Minister Mullah Mohammad Yaqoub Mujahid held a meeting with US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West and discussed human rights situation, peace and stability in Afghanistan.

During the meeting held in the United Arab Emirate (UAE), defence minister demanded the world to respect Afghanistan’s territorial integrity. The US envoy also met former President Hamid Karzai.

Last week’s major events

  • US Special Envoy Thomas West met acting Defence Minister Mullah Mohammad Yaqoub Mujhahid and former President Hamid Karzai in UAE
  • West talked peace, stability and human rights situation in Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan is peaceful and the entire country is safe, world should respect our territorial integrity: Ministry of Defence (MoD)
  • International Conference in Indonesia stressed over inclusive dialogue and reopening of girls schools in Afghanistan
  • India and Central Asian Countreis talked over recent situation in Afghanistan
  • Different circles again demanded the reopening of girls schools above class sixth in Afghanistan
  • Forty-five people killed and injured in Afghanistan last week


Last week, 18 people were killed and 26 others injured in Afghanistan in separate incidents of violence.

Fifteen civilians were injured in two separate blasts in Nangarhar province last week, eight people were killed and nine others injured in a blast that targeted a vehicle in Balkh province, five members of a family were killed and two others injured in a bomb blast in Farah province, in a separate blast in Farah only the assailennt was injured.

Unknown gunmen have killed two people in Kunduz province, one each in Kandahar and Khost provinces.

One robber was killed in security forces firing while they were stealing money from mechanic shop in Kandahar City.

Note: Casualties figures are based on reports available with Pajhwok Afghan News. It is possible that some reports about some incidents might not be received or sources may not have provided the exact casualties figure.

The previous week, 33 people were killed and 33 others injured in different incidents of violence nationwide

Decline in casualties figure comes at a time when hundreds of people — civilians and from conflicting parties — were daily killed and injured before regime change in the country.

 UAE Meetings:

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West landed in the UAE after his trips to India and Japan last week. Afghan acting defence minister Mullah Mohammad Yaqoub and former President Hamid Karzai also arrived in Gulf nation.

There was no official statement regarding Hamid Karzai’s trip to the UAE but the MoD said that Mullah Yaqoub will meet UAE officials to improve Afghanistan’s relationsh with the gulf nations and Afghans living in the UAE.

According to reports Defence Minister Mullah Yaqoub assured west that Afghanistan was secured, all borders and corssings were safe and secure, not country was being threatened from Afghanistan’s soil and demanded the world to respect Afghanistan’s territoria integrity as well.

West talked about deteriorated human rights and women rights situation in Afghanistan and added Afghanistan’s internal sability and its government internal and external legitimacy was linked with the government aproch towards wome and girls rights.

Wes also discussed with UAE offiicals the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan, joint cooepation, economic stability and protecting the basic rights of the people of Afghanistan.

Mullah Yaqoub during a meeting with UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan discussed the promotion of biletral relationship between the two countries.

Region and Afghanistan

According to reports, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said Pakistan policy twords Afghanistan was based on its foreign policy interest and regional interest.

Uzbekistan national security advisor during India-Centra Asia Summit said that Afghanistan should not be isolated.

China foreign ministry said it was monitoring security situation in Afghanistan and wanted to support the war-torn country in its fight against terrorism.

Islamic Emirate Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid while responding to Chinese foreign ministry comments said no one will be allowed to use Afghanistan’s soil against anyone else.

Reaction to ‘Qisas Law’ implementation

According to reports the UN expressed concern over the public execuation of an accused person in Farah province and demanded. “#Afghanistan first public execution is deeply disturbing. We urge the de facto authorities to establish an immediate moratorium on any further executions, and act swiftly to prohibit use of the death penalty in its entirety,” UNAMA wrote on its Twitter handle.

Reacting to the international community’s concerns, Islamic Emirate Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said: “The fact that Afghanistan is being criticized for applying Islamic punishments shows that some countries and societies are still either do not have sufficient information or have problems with Islam, and they do not respect the beliefs, laws and internal issues of Muslims, which is an interference in the internal affairs of countries and is condemned.”

Mawlavi Abdul Salaam Hanafi, administrative aide of the acting primeminister, said Individuals committing crimes would be punished according to the divine laws and no other country should interfere in the internal matters of Afghanistan

Afghanistan and world

Last week, US Special Envoy Thomas West during a meeting with Japanese officials discussed human rights needs, human rights situation and political dialogue in Afghanistan.

In India West held a meeting with Dr. Abdullah and discussed wide range of issues and stressed over political dialogue between different Afghan parties.

In India, last week the meeting of Central Asian Countreis National Security Advisors was held. A joint comminuque of the meeting expressed concern over the safe havens, training and financial support of terrorists in Afghanistan but Afghan government reject these concerns in current circumstances.

Girls Education and Respect to Human Rights

International community last week showed strong support for intra-Afghan dialogue towards durable peace in Afghanistan, and necessary steps to improve the quality of life for Afghan women and girls, according to a statement.

The International Conference on Afghan Women’s Education, co-chaired by Indonesia and Qatar, was convened in Bali, Indonesia on 8 December 2022.

The Participants reaffirmed their strong support for and solidarity with the people of Afghanistan in attaining durable peace, stability, and prosperity, and underlined the importance of women’s education in that regard.

UN Human Rights Commissioner Volker Turk said women and girls are isolated from their basic rights systematically in Afghanistan.

In Herat, some civil society activists asked the acting government to remove restriction imposed on women in eduation and work areas.

This comes that last week last week some 12th grade girls appeared in the annual exams and they asked the education ministry to provide clearification about their future as well.

Humanitarian Aid

Japan has announced $106.7 million humanitarian aid for Afghanistan and added to continue humanitarian support t the people of Afghanistan

Japlan pledged to complete development project initiated by Nakamura.

UNICEF announced cash aid to 112,000 vulnerable families this winter whiel last week $80 million humanitarian cash aid arrived in Kabul.


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