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42 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week

42 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week

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17 Dec 2022 - 20:55
42 people killed, injured in Afghanistan last week
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17 Dec 2022 - 20:55

KABUL (Pajhwok): Last week, the UN credentials committee has postponed for the second time the membership of the acting Afghan government for 2023, international humanitarian aid continued to arrive in Afghanistan, while some countries termed inclusive government vital for Afghanistan.

 Last week’s major events

  • UN denied acting Afghan government membership in for 2023
  • Inclusive government vital for Afghanistan:Tajikistan, Pakistan
  • Implementation of Qisas in public should be stopped: UN
  • These are Sharia Law orders, foreigners should respect Islamic religion and laws: Karimi
  • Inteernational aid continued to arrive in Afghanistan


Eight people were killed and 34 others injured in different incidents of violence in Afghanistan last week.

Three assialents were killed in an attack on a hotel in Kabul’s Shahr-i-Naw area, three foreigners were injured, but Emergancy Hospital said that three bodies and 21 injured were evacuated to the hospital from the site of the attck.

Chinese Foreign Minister said that five Chinese nationals were injured in the attak.

Soon after the attack China asked its nationals to leave Afghanistan due to deteriorated security situation in the war-torn country.

Last week, Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu had asked acting government to pay more attention to the security of Chinese mission in Kabul.

One security personnel was killed, 13 others including three civilians were injured in a clash between Afghan and Pakistani security personnel in Spinboldak.

In Jalalabad, three Daesh injusrgents were killed during security forces raid and a man killed wife in Balkh province.

Note: Casualties figures are based on reports available with Pajhwok Afghan News. It is possible that some reports about some incidents might not be received or sources may not have provided the exact casualties figure.

Previous week 18 people were killed and 27 others injured nationwide in different incidents of violence.


The UN credentials committee has postponed for the second time the membership of the acting Afghan government with the reconsideration option in the next nine months

The deferment of the decisions leaves the current envoys in the seats for their countries, diplomats said

This comes that the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) had saleted Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan ambassador to the UN.

Foreign statements

According to reports, Pakistan and Tajikistan in a joint statement said that the formation of an inclusive government was vital for Afghanistan and regional development was inked with Afghanistan.

UN Deputy Special Envoy Markus Potzel said last week: “Important to have #Afghanistan on the agenda in #CentralAsia. UNAMA deputy special envoy @PotzelMarkus cautions that international attention diminishing, positions hardening. Regional cooperation and engagement crucial.”

But the IEA said that it believed on positive relationship with international coumunity which should be based on mutual respect and dignity.

Respect to Sharia Law

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West said Afghan women, and girls facing restriction to work, education, movement and political activism.

UN experts have expressed their concerns over the implementation of Qisas punishment publically and demanded its immediate halt.

Islamic Emirates Spokesperson Bilal Karimi said: “These are our religious laws, foreigners, including UN shuld respect the religion, creed and laws of Islam. The punishments implemented by the Islamic Emirate were in line with the Islamic jurispanduce.”

Continuation of Aid

Belgium will provide three million euro financial support to vulnerable Afghans, the EU will provided 16 million euro to Afghanistan health sector, while ICRC said that almost all Afghans facing poverty and difficulties but they could only support four millions.

Last week, $40 million humanitarian aid reched Afghanistan while Nowrway pledged continued support with the people of Afghanistan and added it will also keep interaction with the acting government.

UNFPA said that 28 million people will need support in Afghanistan next year.

Acting Finance Ministery Mullah Hidayatullah Badri has asked the UN to distribute its aid in cooperation with the government institutions and provide support in the area of development.

Four party meeting on Afghan refugees in Iran.

Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and UNHCR held a meeting in Tehran last week which discussed the problems faced by Afghan refugees. The meeting agreed to take necessary steps for refugees who volunteerly return to Afghanistan.

Afgan refugee minister Khalilurrahman Haqqani during a meeting with Iranian diplomat in Kabul stressed over the provision of education, health and other facilities for Afghan refugees in Iran.


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