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Let girls learn, convene Loya Jirga top demands from IEA

Let girls learn, convene Loya Jirga top demands from IEA

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24 May 2023 - 19:09
Let girls learn, convene Loya Jirga top demands from IEA
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24 May 2023 - 19:09

KABUL (Pajhwok): A large number of people have asked the caretaker government to reopen schools and universities for girls, show flexibility in interaction with the world, attrack public support and draft a constitution.

In addition to emphasizing on national consensus, they urged convening a Loya Jirga to sort out the current problems and demanded the presence of the tri-color flag besides the IEA’s white flag.

The IEA spokesman says the current system has been addressing people’s demands and executing anything possibile.

Voice of people

On Monday (May 22), Pajhowk Afghan News launched “Voice of People” program to convey people’s problems, demands and suggestions to the authorities.

In the first part of this program, people were asked on Facebook and Twitter about their top demand from the caretaker government of Afghanistan.

So far, more than 1,400 people have answered this question in written, audio and video on WhatsApp, Facebook and email. This question has been liked by nearly 5000 people on Facebook and nearly 5500 people have seen it on Twitter.

In this report, Pajhwok has compiled people’s written requests and suggestions regarding political issues and girls’ education.

Many people shared their views on various topics in written, audio and video forms with Pajhwok on WhatsApp and through email.

Salgai Himmat from Khost province wrote: “As you know, schools and universities were closed against girls after the Taliban’s takeover. Both I and my younger sister were deprived of continuing our studies. In the 7th grade, I got the first position in class. Then I lost hope and wished I would not be girl nor born in Afghanistan.”

She added along with her family she went to United Arab Emirate to complete her studies a month after the universities were closed for girls and currently, they were pursing their lessons.

“I beg the caretaker government to open the doors of schools and universities for us. The government is yours. We only want schools and universiteis reopened. Allah (swt) has given us the right to learn, so why are you taking it away from us? What sin we have committed?” she wrote.

Himmat continued: “If its about Hijab, we don’t have any problem. We used to go to university and school in hijab. Whatever kind of hijab they prefer we will wear that. But for Allah’s sake, don’t hurt millions of people, hurting human being’s heart is more sinful then destroying the Kaaba, but you broke the hearts of millions of people, we are not happy in foreign country, but we have to spend time here. If universities and schools in Afghanistan are reopened, we sill go back to our country and resume our studies.”

She said that she wanted to become a doctor and serve her country.

Ghulam Mohammad Jalalzai wrote that his biggest request from the caretaker government was to open the doors of schools and unviersities for girls.

Lal Marjan Zadran said: “Don’t they know or understand what problems the nation and this country are facing, two years have almost completed, they have been promising to remove the ban on girls and be gental in interacting with the world. A country becomes self-suffient with the help of education and half of the population in Afghanistan is deprived of education.”

Fahim Pyawari asked: “Is there anyone who can remove the dust from the face of Afghan culture and give voice to the poor nation.”

He wrote: “A country reaches self-sufficiency through education, but half of our country’s population is deprived of education. Days, weeks, months and years have gone, but the issue of education for Afghan sisters remains elusive”

He wrote to the Islamic Emirate: “Be gentle in you interaction with the world, open schools and universities for girls. Water is our national wealth, so control water. The more you control water, the better our life is guaranteed.”

Man named Farmanullah then wrote: “My first and import demand is that girls’ education should be allowed, if there was a strategy, any plan or any other issue it should have been resolved by now. We suspect that the next order may be a pretext to ban girls’ education forever or if it is not the case then why the matter is not being cleared to the nation, sometimes they call it a cultural issue or sometimes it is linked with the curriculum or Hijab issue. I believe the current ruler are not hiding the truth there are no none of the above issues exited the problem is in the mindset of rulers, they should be blamed not the nation, further delay in education was a huge treason.”

My second demand is that current rulers should accept the country’s national flag because the national flag did not belong to any party or region but it represented the entire Afghanistan and was a national symbol.

White flag should be there to represent the rulers but the national flag should also be there.

Fazal Samimi wrote we want the Islamic Emirate to reopen girls schools and universities, introduce governance laws and appoint deserving persons at deserving place.

Qudratullah Samimi then wrote that the IEA should take its government out of the acting status by convening Loya Jirga and resolve some other issues as well otherwise it would have bad consequences for the future.

He wrote: “The following issues should be discussed in the Loya Jirga, first the tenure of the acting government should be declared, the King Zahir Shah’s constitution should be enforced, girls schools should be allowed in accordance with Islamic rules, discussion on the national flag issue which is very important, I see most countries unified under one flag and its change divide its people. The white flag is Mohammadi flag but a country has own flag, laws and culture and we cannot undermine all this.”

Another individual who did not wish to be named wrote: “Our most important demand from the IEA is that instead of international community there was need for interaction with the own people and seek domestic legitimacy. The acting government should accept legal demand of the nation and share its future plans with the people.”

He believe a system that has its people support would strengthen with each passing day and no power could weaken it.

Dr. Ameeri wrote: “In current circumstances education is vital for women and it is considered one of necessity of the time for example in the area of education and its practical example is the arrival of three midwives from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan so we want the government to reopen girl education as soon as possible.”

Hamid Khan wrote: “Allow girls to get education, pay more attention to modern education, leader should be appeared and use the tri-color flag.”

Mohibullah, another individual, asked the IEA to assign qualified individuals in the deserving posts, allow girls to go to school, women to work, not to use state treasury for personal use, respect national flag and national anthem, form constitution and enforced Sharia and Law in its true spirit.

Eng. Mohammad Hakim demand the reopening of girls school, halt to corruption, fundamental steps taken for good governance and the IEA should establish cordial ties with other nations.

Fazal Rahman Fazli from the Baghlan Markazi district wrote: “The most important thing is to create consensus at national level and removal of the gap which reach thousands of kilometres and increasing further more. Letting people to get their legal Islamic and legal rights in the framework of Islam was our demand.”

He stressed women rights given by Alllah and his prophet should not fall under political victimization.

Khalid Shams wrote: “My main demand is that girls’ schools should be reopened. Being a father I want the IEA to reopen girls’ schools. Girls are facing psychological issue and it was their legitimate right.”

Ghani, another individual, demanded the acting government to pay attention to the girls’ school and allow girls to go to schools and women to work because this will help the government to get more support domestically and get international recognition.

IEA Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujhaid told Pajhwok Afghan News that government strived to address public demands.

Referring to the Public Voice programme he said: “This is public demand, the government would hear and inspect them, the demands which are practical would implement. We have no issue with public demands, they may have demands and the government is there to hear them.”


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