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40,000 students study under open sky in Jawzjan

40,000 students study under open sky in Jawzjan

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23 Jul 2023 - 19:56
40,000 students study under open sky in Jawzjan
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23 Jul 2023 - 19:56

SHIBERGHAN (Pajhwok): At least 40,000 students in northern Jawzjan province are studying under the open sky, but the provincial Education department says buildings for 130 schools are being reconstructed.

Jawzjan education director Maulvi Mohammad Tahir Jawad told Pajhwok Afghan News that there were 408 schools in Jawzjan and 127 of them were without buildings.

He said in the past two years, they had been able to repair 10 schools in Aqcha, Khwaja Doko, Mingajek, Khaniqa and Shiberghan City in cooperation with partner institutions.

Javad added 130 school buildings were being restored in districts and Shiberghan by institutions cooperating with his department.

He pointed out that construction work on three school buildings in Shiberghan city and Aqcha and Khaniqa districts would be launched soon.

He added that at the beginning of this year, 86 standard tents were distributed to schools that had no buildings.

Jawad asked national businessmen and partner institutions to cooperate with the Department of Education in construction of buildings for schools.

Meanwhile, a number of students said they had to attend classes under scorching sun.

Mohammad Rafi, a student in Shiberghan city, told Pajhwok: “We don’t have classrooms in our school and we study in the open with difficulties.”

He added: “Most of the time, we cannot go to school because of hot weather.”

Also, Mohammad Fahim, another student, asked the government to find solution to their problems.

Adela, a fifth grade student, said: “Under the open sky, we face hot weather and dust storms so we cannot continue our education properly.”

She asked officials of the Islamic Emirate to pay serious attention to the construction of a building for their school.


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