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Kankor examination process kicks off in Nangarhar

JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Nearly 9,500 contenders have appeared for the Kankor examination in the university of eastern Nangarhar province, an official said on Thursday.

The examination started early morning on Thursday which was continued for three hours. Besides 12th class graduates some students from 14th classes also participated.

Mawlavi Moalem Ahmad Haqqani, the administrative head of National Examination Authority, said full preparation were made for the successful and transparent conduct of Kankor examination.

Some people whose age was 51, 55 and 60 also participated in examination.

Nangarhar Education University Head Mufti Habib Hazrat Haqqani said in the past few years most problems faced by school students had been addressed, the education system had been improved and hoped that contenders would be able to pass the test and get enrolled in the faculties of their choice.

Nangarhar University students also termed the Kakor examination process as positive and asked officials to pay greater attention to transparency and order in three days.

Sabirullah, one of the Kankor participants, asked officials to ensure fairness and transparency in the outcome of Kankor process.


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