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Pakistani, Chinese entities added to US blacklist

Pakistani, Chinese entities added to US blacklist

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22 Oct 2024 - 11:26
Pakistani, Chinese entities added to US blacklist
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22 Oct 2024 - 11:26

KABUL (Pajhwok): Over two dozen entities supporting weapons and drone development programmes in Iran and Pakistan have been placed on America’s trade blacklist.

The 26 entities, mostly operating in Pakistan, China and the United Arab Emirates, allegedly violated export controls, aided “weapons programs of concern” or evaded US sanctions and export controls on Russia and Iran, the Voice of America reported.

Citing a Commerce Department statement, VOA said the firms were restricted them from getting US items and technologies without government authorisation.

The department quoted Alan Estevez, undersecretary of commerce for industry and security, as saying: “We are vigilant in defending US national security from bad actors.”

He added: “Our actions today send a message to malicious actors that if they violate our controls, they will pay a price.”

In Pakistan, nine entities were accused of being front companies and procurement agents for the already blacklisted Advanced Engineering Research Organization.

The group reportedly procured US-origin items by disguising their end users, including a Pakistani entity responsible for the country’s missile and drone programme.

Six entities in China were sanctioned for allegedly acquiring US-origin items to support China’s military modernisation or to aid Iran’s weapons and drone programmes.

Additionally, three entities in the UAE, alongside one in Egypt, acquired or attempted to obtain US components to avoid sanctions imposed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

PAN Monitor/mud

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