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Ghazni prison inmates go on hunger strike

Ghazni prison inmates go on hunger strike

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21 Jan 2014 - 15:08
Ghazni prison inmates go on hunger strike
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21 Jan 2014 - 15:08

GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): A police and an inmate were wounded in a dispute between jail guards and prisoners inside the jail of southern Ghazni province, an official said.

The dispute occurred after guards were forcing their way inside the block of political inmates, governor’s spokesman, Shafiq Nang told Pajhwok Afghan News.

A delegation has been sent to investigate the nature of the dispute between police and prisoners, Nanag said.

But an inmate, Niamatullah in a telephonic conversation told Pajhwok Afghan News police were harassing prisoners in the jail.

He said one of a prisoner got seriously wounded during the scuffle, prompting all the inmates to go on hanger strike which would continue until their problems were properly addressed.

A year ago, an inmate was killed and 11 others injured during a clash between the prisoners and guards in Ghazni province.



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