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Afghan Air Force ready for election security

Afghan Air Force ready for election security

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2 Apr 2014 - 17:26
Afghan Air Force ready for election security
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2 Apr 2014 - 17:26

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghan Air Force (AAF) has airlifted election staff and materials to 39 of the 45 impassible districts, an official said on Wednesday — three days ahead of the landmark vote.

AFF official Lt. Gen. Mohammad Dawran told a press conference in Kabul the election materials could not be taken to the remaining six districts in Badghis, Ghor, Helmand and Daikundi due to bad weather.

Dawran said the AFF had so far airlifted 510 Independent Election Commission (IEC) officers and six tones of electoral materials to the 39 towns. “Task given to the air force has successfully been accomplished and the remaining districts will be receiving the materials soon,” he said.

About the air force preparations for the elections, Dawran said they had deployed helicopters in Helmand, Kandahar, Kabul, Herat and Balkh provinces to deal with any possible eventuality.

Also present at the press conference was Defence Ministry spokesman Zahir Azimi, who said the Afghan National Army (ANA) and police were working together to improve security for the elections.

He repeated the Afghan forces were fully capable and ready to maintain security and prevent any possible threat from militants.

“Our enemies supported by foreigners have always tried to deprive our people from their livelihood and right to vote, but they have never succeeded in their attempts. The Afghans will proudly participate in the elections,” Azimi said.


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