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Afghanistan reports 62 new Covid-19 cases

Afghanistan reports 62 new Covid-19 cases

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1 Feb 2021 - 18:10
Afghanistan reports 62 new Covid-19 cases
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1 Feb 2021 - 18:10

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Monday announced recording 62 new positive Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours in the country.

The ministry in a statement said 2, 025 people underwent tests since Saturday and 62 people were diagnosed with the virus, pushing the overall tally to 55,121.

It said 13 cases were detected in Ghor, 12 in Nangarhar, 10 in Kapisa, 6 each in Takhar, Kunar, 5 in Sari-pul , 4 in Badghis, 2 in Laghman, 1-1 in Herat, Kunduz, Bamyan and Badakhshan  provinces.

The ministry said 1100 people underwent tests in Kabul, but none tested positive.

In Afghanistan, so far 18320 positive cases have been recorded and 16648 people have recovered from the infection. The death toll from the virus stands at 775 in Kabul province.

During the past 24 hours, the Public Health Ministry said 44 people recovered from the infection, taking the recoveries to 47,723 in the country.

One person died of the virus since yesterday, with the total death toll reaching 2,405.

The coronavirus was first detected in China more than a year ago and then it spread to at least all countries around the world, including Afghanistan but a new form of corona has recently reappeared in the United States and Britain.

With the emergence of the new variant, a number of countries again closed their borders and the Afghan Ministry of Public Health called on people to reduce their overseas travels.


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