Some braziers in northern Balkh province have complained about the stagnated market condition for their products and expressed concerns that coppersmithing art was faced with eradication.
More than 7,000 children in northern Balkh province have been affected by measles out of which 32 children had died, officials of the Abu Ali Sina Balkh Zonal Hospital said on Saturday.
Some residents of Alborz district in northern Balkh province complain about their inaccessibility to telecommunication and internet services and ask the government to address their problems.
A one-day exhibition of scientific and robotic items made by the students of a private school was held in Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of northern Balkh province.
Some women and child labourers in northern Balkh province have complained about low wages and lack of work opportunities and asked the government to provide them with permanent work.
Some residents of Tarlai area in the Charkant district of northern Balkh province have complained about access to clean drinking water and asked the government to address their problems.
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Two people have been killed and two others injured in two separate traffic accidents in northern Balkh province, police said on . .
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Newly constructed buildings for five schools and four seminaries costing 152 million afghanis have been inaugurated in northern Balkh province. Acting . .
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Concreting a road has been completed at a cost of 22 million afghanis and the road put into service in northern Balkh province,
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Security forces seized 29 weapons and ammunitions in districts and the provincial capital of northern Balkh province during the past three months, an
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Rice crop has been cultivate on about 3,000 hectares of land, 10 percent up compared to last year, in northern Balkh province, officials
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): A woman received 35 lashes after being convicted of adultery in northern Balkh province, the Supreme Court said on Monday. In a statement,