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KABUL (Pajhwok): Viewing the security situation in the war-torn country as weak, China has . . .
KABUL on Saturday agreed on a list of initial projects of enhancing counterterrorism cooperation, a . . .
PESHAWAR (Pajhwok): Foreign ministers from Afghanistan are set to meet on trilateral cooperation in Islamabad today . . .
KABUL Deng Xijun on Sunday said his country was ready for all cooperation to help . . .
KABUL for helping those affected by natural disasters under an agreement signed on Thursday.
KABUL would participate, a credible source said Sunday. A well-placed government official, who wished to go unnamed, told Pajhwok Afghan News that work the plan
KABUL. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a daily news briefing that . . .
KABUL to provide sincere support to the Afghan peace process, a statement from the Presidential . . .
KABUL, an official said on Wednesday. An agreement in this regard was signed . . .
KABUL. “We hope other multilateral mechanisms on the issue of Afghanistan can play . . .
KABUL (Pajhwok): Iran and China have agreed to back Afghan peace and reconciliation process, a . . .
KABUL. The agreement came on Friday when Chinese Special Envoy Ambassador Deng Xijun . . .