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Karzai wants Muslim states to combat terror jointly

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15 Aug 2012 - 21:39
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15 Aug 2012 - 21:39

KABUL): President Hamid Karzai would urge participants of a key Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) summit in Saudi Arabia that Muslim countries should not use terrorism as a means of interference in others’ affairs, his spokesman said on Tuesday.

Aimal Faisal told Pajhwok Afghan News over the telephone from Saudi Arabia that Karzai would deliver his speech at the extraordinary meeting of the 57-member organisation, starting 11pm behind closed doors.

The Afghan leader would say that Muslim countries had turned into hubs of terrorism, extremism and violence, and as a result innocent people were being killed.

Faizi added Karzai would also stress the need for a joint anti-terrorism campaign by Muslim countries because the menace was defaming Islam. The Afghan government would spare no effort to bring stability to the war-torn country, according to Karzai.

Faizi said the president would also stress the need for sincere cooperation on the part of Pakistan in eliminating the scourge from the region and preserving peace.




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