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Every Covid-19 patient not vulnerable to black fungus: MoPH

KABUL (Pajhwok): Three cases of the Indian Black Fungus have been detected in the country so far, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) announced on Saturday.

The MoP termed the infection more dangerous than Covid-19 while health experts say the Black Indian Fungus is not pandemic and every Covid-19 patient doesn’t necessarily contract this new infection.

The MoPH announced the spread of black fungus in the country and warned of Covid-19 catastrophe if people ignored health guidelines.

Speaking to reporters here, Acting Health Minister Waheed Muzdah said: “We are not free from Covid-19 pandemic and caught by a new catastrophe. The black fungus cases among Covid-19 patients are on the increase.”

Referring to the three black fungus cases in Kabul, Baghlan and Samangan provinces, he said two people infected with this infection were diabetic.

“Black fungus is a rare disease and its cases not reported in Afghanistan so far. This infection attacks individuals with low immunity system,” he said.

According to Muzdah, Covid-19 has paved the way for black fungus, adding that there is 50 percent possibility of death from the disease, adding that black fungus is not transferrable from one person to another.

He warned if people remain unmoved against coronavirus, this pandemic could become a huge challenge.

He termed black fungus a catastrophe and added these bacteria existed in the nature, rotten fruits and bushes.

Health Experts

Dr. Baz Mohammad Sherzad, former health ministry advisor, said black fungus is caused by a bacteria named mucormycosis which causes black spots around nose which further expands.

He said black fungus is not something new adding that this infection was years old.

He said the fungus is usually found in the rotten soil and masses of plants and the bodies of some animals and is transmitted by inhalation (inhalation) or skin contact when the skin is damaged; But the most common mode of transmission is through respiration

Who is under threat:

Shirzad said that the disease infected people of any age, but most of those who were daily in contact with mushrooms are prone to the disease. These people are mainly infected when their immune system is weak or have serious health issues.

“The disease mostly infects people with diabetes, particularly when it is not contained, or have HIV, cancer, organ transplant, low white blood count, or continually used steroid, took injections, hemochromatosis, have bad health condition due to improper nutrition, abnormal acid level, had premature birth or have skin damages such as burns or cuts,” he said.

Shirzad said that the disease also appeared on people infected with coronavirus.

Fortunately the black fungus is not communicable but it can cause lost of sight, blood clotting and mental damages.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Shirzad said that a person with signs of the disease should refer to a doctor. He said that asking about the medical history of the patient, history of nutrition, taking sample from nose and skin and CT SCAN test could help in diagnosing the disease.

In most cases, the disease is treated with medicine, but if the infection is serious, a part of the infected organ would be cut, he said.


Dr. Shirzad said that the disease had no vaccine and it could not be fully treated, but it could be prevented by keeping away from smokes and dusts.

He said that using N95 mask, staying away from dirty water such as stand water, protecting skin with footwear, socks and blouses, washing injury on skin can help prevent the disease.

The disease existed in the past too, but it is more common now because Covid-19 weakens people’s immune system, he added.

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) should work together with advisors and medical experts on creating a guideline to provide public awareness to people and train health professionals on how to treat the disease, he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Nabil Paktin, a heart diseases professional, said that the black fungus disease was not communicable and not all Covid-19 patients were infected with it.

About responsibility of the medical society about the disease, he said, “The medical society should work on a solution before creating any fears, the public should be informed about it.”


“This Investigative Report was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Pajhwok and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”

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