KABUL (Pajhwok): Senior politician and Jihadi leaders Atta Mohammad Noor and Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf on Saturday announced the formation of a High Council of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Resistance (HCIRAR).
They made the announcement in a statement while some other political figures denied they were part of the council.
Noor and Sayyaf wrote on their Facebook pages: “Unfortunately, our beloved country Afghanistan has slipped into disorder due to widespread corruption and monopoly of power.as a result of a cowardly deal.”
State institutions, security forces and other organs providing services to the masses had collapsed and the nation is faced with uncertainty, poverty and insecurity.”
The statement added future programme of the Resistance Front were divided into two segments - political and military. They promised according priority to the resolution of problems through negotiations.
They stressed negotiations must be aimed at achieving lasting and dignified peace that guaranteed the restoration of the republic based on Islamic principles and the establishment of a fair election system, with the participation of all ethnic groups and different segments of society.
The republic must guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens, especially women, children, the disabled and minorities, the leaders continued.
The council would task a team to probe the sudden fall of the Islamic republic and identify the individuals involved in this catastrophe as national traitors to the people.
Meanwhile Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal and Eng. Mohammad Khan, leaders of the Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan splinter group, distanced themselves from the council and informed their workers that HIA was not part of it.