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Ghor female beggars seek assistance from govt, charities

FEROZKOH (Pajhwok): Some female breadwinners in the capital of western Ghor province, who have resorted to begging to support their children, are asking for assistance from the caretaker government and charitable organisations.

The last four decades of conflict in the country have caused poverty, hardships, unemployment, and migration. These challenges have also left millions of widows and orphans, forcing many women to become breadwinners for their families.

A woman breadwinner in Ghor: I beg out of necessity

Fatima, a 52-year-old resident of Ferozkoh, the provincial capital, laments poverty and hardships she faces, stating that despair and helplessness have overshadowed her and her family’s lives.

With tears rolling down her cheeks and her voice choked with emotion, Fatima shared that she lost her only son, the family’s breadwinner, years ago due to past conflicts. Now, she is solely responsible for supporting her six-member family.

She explained: “I beg out of necessity. To keep my grandchildren alive, I walk a long distance from the village to the provincial capital on foot to find a piece of bread for my late son’s orphans. It’s winter, and we have nothing to eat or heat our home with. We have not received aid from the government or organisations so far.”

Fatima recalled that she had stored 100 kilograms of barley flour for the winter. She urged the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) and aid organisations to provide her with food and fuel so that her grandchildren would not face the dangers of cold and hunger during this harsh winter.

Another Woman’s Struggle: Gul Barg’s Story

Fatima is not the only one struggling to support her family. Gul Barg, a 45-year-old woman, is another breadwinner begging in the streets of Ferozkoh during this harsh winter.

She explained that her family lives in a house with no windows or doors and nothing for heating in the freezing cold. Unlike Fatima, Gul Barg has grown-up sons.

However, when asked why she has shouldered the responsibility of supporting her family, she said: “My two grown sons have become addicts. I have no one else. I am the breadwinner for my 10-member family. Every day, I beg for money in the city and bring home food in the evening.”

She called on the interim government to assist her in treating her addicted sons. Gul Barg also appealed to charitable organisations and aid agencies to provide food and fuel for her and other needy families.

A Pajhwok Afghan News reporter interviewed several women beggars in the provincial capital, all shared similar complaints and sought assistance.

Social Activist: Helping the poor is a collective responsibility

Habib Rahman Wahdat, a social activist in the province, said that assisting poor and combating poverty is a collective responsibility. He emphasised that local people, in addition to the government, should also help needy individuals.

He added: “Economic poverty, prolonged wars, and lack of social support have forced some women to resort to begging. The government and traders should help these women and provide them with work opportunities.”

Wahdat urged everyone to assist the poor and needy to the extent of their ability.

Meanwhile, Abdul Wahid Hamas, the spokesperson for the Ghor governor, told Pajhwok: “The Islamic Emirate has new plans for beggars, including establishing a camp for child beggars, women beggars, and addicts. Additionally, vocational training programmes are planned for them, which, God willing, will be implemented in the near future.”

Recently, Governor Maulvi Hayatullah Mubarak held a meeting with provincial officials to address the issues and identify beggars and impoverished individuals. He instructed the officials and members of the provincial committee to strive to identify genuine and deserving beggars and address their problems.




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