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IEA to UN: Help lift curbs, unfreeze Afghan assets

KABUL (Pajhwok): The caretaker government has called on the UN mission to work strengthen Afghanistan’s ties with the world body and other countries.

The call comes hard on the heels of the UN Security Council unanimously extending the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for another year.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid wrote on his X handle UNAMA should accurately reflect Afghanistan’s progress in security, economic and social domains.

He said: “We urge UNAMA to focus on strengthening relations between Afghanistan, the UN and other countries and to correctly portray Afghanistan’s security, economic and social advancements.”

He added UNAMA should advocate for the global rights of the Afghan people, including the removal of unnecessary sanctions, the unfreezing of Afghan assets, and the handover of Afghanistan’s seat at the UN to the Islamic Emirate.

He wrote: “Additionally, they should refrain from creating unnecessary concerns as in the past, avoid using isolated issues to spread propaganda against Afghanistan and not become a tool in the hands of hostile groups.”




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