KABUL (Pajhwok): The National Statistic and Information Authority (NSIA) in a new report on Tuesday estimated the country’s population in 1400 solar year at 33.6 million people.
According to the NSIA report, 17.1 million of the population or 51 percent are men and 16.5 million or 49 percent are women.
In 1400 solar year that starts on March 21, according to NSIA, 23.8 million people or 70.8 percent of the population belongs to rural areas and 8.3 million or 24.7 percent of people live in urban areas while 1.5 million or 4.5 percent are nomads.
NSIA said that the organization would more accurately count the country’s population if the security situation improved.
According to the NSIA report, 5.3 million people live in Kabul, 751,000 in Parwan, 671,000 in MaidanWardak, 442,000 in Logar, 502,000 in Laghman, 172,000 in Panjshir, over a million in Baghlan, 504,000 in Bamyan, 1.38 million in Ghazni, 789,000 in Paktika, 622,000 in Paktia, 647,000 in Khost, 508,000 in Kunar, 166,000 in Nuristan, 1.72 million in Badakhshan, 1.113 million in Takhar, 1.16 million in Kunduz, 438,000 in Samangan, 1.543 million in Balkh, 632,000 in Sar-i-Pul, 777,000 in Ghor, 524,000 in Daikundi, 443,000 in Uruzgan, 391,000 in Zabul, 1.431 million in Kandahar, 613,000 in Jawzjan, 1.129 million in Faryab, 1.472 million in Helmand, 559,000 in Badghis, 2.187 million in Herat, 573,000 in Farah, 166,000 in Nimroz and 1.753 million in Nangarhar province.