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Pakistan rules out forcible expulsion of refugees

PESHAWAR (Pajhwok): Pakistan says it does not want to forcibly expel Afghan refugees, but seeks their dignified and voluntary return.

The assurance was held out by Minister of States and Frontier Regions Ameer Muqam at a meeting in Islamabad with Afghan Ambassador Sardar Ahmad Shakib and the delegation accompanying him.

A statement from the Afghan embassy said the two sides held discussions on the status, challenges and recent developments concerning refugees in Pakistan.

They also conferred on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) chief’s recent visit to Pakistan.

Muqam said Proof of Registration (PoR) cards for Afghan refugees had been extended for another year as a result of efforts by him and the departments concerned.

According to the statement, he explained Pakistan did not want to forcibly expel the refugees but desired their dignified and voluntary return.

For his part, the ambassador thanked Pakistan for hosting refugees and appreciated the recent decision on extending the PoR cards.

If extended for a longer period, the cards would have even more benefits for the holders, suggested Shakib, who said the Islamic Emirate also desired the voluntary return of refugees to their homeland.

The Afghan government, having formed high-level committees, was making efforts to ensure the refugees’ return to Afghanistan with dignity, he added.

He emphasised the Afghan refugees had played a significant role in strengthening Pakistan’s economy. Therefore, security issues and political relations should not be linked to them.

The meeting proposed the creation of a joint committee having representatives from the embassy, the Ministry of SAFRON and the Afghan Commissionerate to promptly address refugee-related issues.




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