Around 3,700 eye-patients in southern Ghazni province have been provided free of cost treatment by a team of doctors sent by the Ministry of Public Health.
Thirty-four more telecommunication sites would be established in southern Ghazni province to address telecommunication related issues, an official said on Tuesday.
Government officials, religious scholars and tribal elders in the Gailan district of southern Ghazni province have passed a 13-point resolution about the prevention of false traditions.
The Hepatitis C (HCV) and Hepatitis B (HBV) diagnosis centre have been opened in the Zonal Hospital of southern Ghazni province, an official said on Sunday.
GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Flash floods swept away residential houses, canals, highways, agricultural corps, culverts and gardens in southern Ghazni province last night, an official said
GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): An organization is providing education opportunity to dozens of widows, orphans and disabled people in three vocational fields in southern Ghazni province
GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Residents of southern Ghazni province say te government should reconstruct the road leading to the Civil Hospital. Besides Ghazni city and districts,
GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Two people have been killed in separate incidents in southern Ghazni province, a police official said on Saturday. Police spokesman Abu Khalid
Some residents in the Nawa district of southern Ghazni province have complained against the lack of work opportunities and said if there was some work one person gets 80 afs as daily wage.