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Humanitarian situation raises eyebrows in Afghanistan as winter sets

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5 Oct 2023 - 14:47
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5 Oct 2023 - 14:47

Humanitarian situation raises eyebrows in Afghanistan as winter sets The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) says that Afghanistan is one those countries facing massive humanitarian crisis in 2023. A report from the UNOCHA said 3.28 million Afghans needed humanitarian aid, last year 18 million people needed aid. Economic crises, growing unemployment and natural disasters were termed as reasons for poverty in Afghanistan. Recently the EU also expressed concerns over the issue and said in a statement: “This winter the lives of millions of Afghans was linked with humanitarian aid.” EU humanitarian aid branch in a statement on December 15 said after 16 months of the Taliban rule and withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, the country was facing massive humanitarian crisis and this winter the survival of many Afghans was linked with humanitarian aid. Pajhwok’s viewpoint program discussed this issue and our guests were Dr. Mohammad Naseer Malakzai, former provincial official of UNOCHA, former Wolesi Jirga Member Gulalai Noor Sapi, Civil Society and Human Rights Network Head Khalil Raufi, and WFP Spokesperson in Afghanistan Waheedullah Amani.



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