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‘Unregulated arms distribution may lead to dire consequences’

‘Unregulated arms distribution may lead to dire consequences’

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24 Jun 2021 - 17:11
‘Unregulated arms distribution may lead to dire consequences’
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24 Jun 2021 - 17:11

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some political experts believe if arms distribution process among common people is not properly administered, this could lead to a long term civil war in future or an armed coup against the government.

According to reports, a number of people in Nangarhar, Laghman, Parwan, Balkh, Faryab, Takhar, Herat and Samangan provinces have taken arms against the Taliban and in support of government.

Defence Minister Bismillah Mohammad has asked the local uprising movements to support security forces in their own localities.

Interior Ministry’s Plan and Policy head NaqibullahFaeq said that armed locals would be provided with weapons, ammunition and logistic support to the extent they demand.

The Taliban, however, warned they will seriously deal with individuals who provided arms to the common people and encouraged them to fight the Taliban.

Political experts

Political affairs expert ShahlaFarid said organizing common people to fight the enemy was a positive move but warned that arming people all of a sadden may recall unfortunate incidents of the past.

She said distribution of arms to local people questioned past programme of Disarmament, Demoblisation and Reintegration (DDR) and added that an unplanned and unorganized distribution of arms process could led to a military coup in the future.

She warned that arming common people may put the lives of other people at risk and order in the society may be disturbed.

Referring to NATO and foreign forces role, she said: “The purpose of NATO and US was not to defeat the Taliban, by arming common people they want to spread fear among Taliban ranks.”

She said the Taliban perception and differences among Presidential Palace and Sapedar Palace halted the peace process.

Military affairs expert JavedKohistani said Taliban’s activities and their intension to capture major cities were among reasons why people took arms to fight the enemy.

He added: “Government’s continued mistakes paved the way for the people to be armed, now it is the duty of the government how it regulates them, whether we like it or not, the people are armed, there are plenty of governmental and non-governmental weapons available to people, and the people are really tired and dissatisfied.”

Kohistani added if the armed people were not properly managed, jihadist and experienced individuals were not appointed to manage the people’s uprisings, and experienced and influential people were not assigned in provinces, Afghanistan may plunge into a long-term civil war.

Both sides are not interested in peace talks and do not believe in negotiation; because, he said, they benefit more from the war economy and have forced people to defend themselves

Another Military Affairs Expert Gen. DawlatWaziri said arming common people was in the interest of the incumbent system but stressed the need for their proper administration.

He said: “If the armed people get out of control and fight with each other for personal interests, it will not benefit the system. The distribution of weapons must be strictly controlled so that popular mobilization is not misused.”

He said people are not supporting the Taliban therefore they have taken arms.

Government controlling arms distribution process

Tariq Aryan, spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior, said recent movement of mobilizing common people was enthusiastic and the process is fully controlled by security institutions.

He stressed these movements started to support security forces and there was no other purpose, security leadership of the country was monitoring the process.

The people at forefront of these movements are regionally influential people, and their movements are carried out in cooperation with the security sector to suppress the armed opposition of the government.

FawadAman, assistant spokesperson of the Ministry of Defence, could not be reached for comment despite several attempts.

Taliban’s warning

The Taliban in a statement said: “Those who are still fanning the flames of war and controversy in the country, arming people under the name of the Arbakis and illegal armed groups in the name of popular uprisings, or abusing civilians as an uprising to perpetuate their illegitimate power, should know that the Islamic Emirate’s will seriously deal with them. They will be deprived from pardon, therefore everyone should refrain from such moves. People should not allow their children to fight the Taliban in such groups.”


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