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Nangarhar potters demand foreign market for products

JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Potters in eastern Nangarhar province are happy with their sales locally, but they urge the government to find international markets for their earthenware.

They say the manual art and the ancient industry can play a positive role in economic development and preserving cultural heritage.

Fawad Khan, a clay pots seller, told Pajhwok Afghan News majority of his customers were tourists who buy these dishes as gifts for their relatives.

“Our business is good these days, tourists buy these dishes to gift them to relatives,” Fawad Khan said.

Sherin Agha, 60, who has been associated with the art for last 40 years, told Pajhwok Afghan News he could make any kinds of clay dishes and pots.

“I am happy to be able to earn some money and support my family. It is a hard job. I come here in the morning and return home in the evening”.

Potter Shukrullah said: “Afghans who live abroad when come here, they buy our products. I hope the government will once pave the way for our products to reach international markets.”

Provincial Information and Culture Department officials say making clay products is not only a commercial phenomenon, it is important for preservation of culture and heritage of the society.

Quraishi Badlon, a senior media official of the department, told Pajhwok Afghan News the provincial government would try to pave the way for clay products’ exports to international markets.

Clay work has a long history spanning over thousands of years in Afghanistan. Historians say the art dates back to the Mundigak period.


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