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Local councils’ capacity building program underway in Samangan

AIBAK (Pajhwok): The Afghan Development and Welfare Organization has launched a capacity building training program titled “human rights Improvement and protection of internally of displaced people (IDPs)” in northern Samangan province.

In this program, short-term capacity building training is provided to men, women and other members of local councils.

Provincial in-charge of Afghan Development and Welfare Organization Ahmad Fawad Omari told Pajhwok Afghan News the NGO was implementing a project from June 1, 2023 until February 2024 in Samangan province to improve human rights and protect IDPs.

According to Omari, women, men and youth are being trained about women’s right to inheritance, their human rights enshrined in slam and social awareness.

He added members of the local councils, especially the members of dispute resolution committees, will also be provided training about solving disputes among people.

The training on solving internal disputes was attended by 40 members of the local councils, youth and tribal influential figures of Samangan and the attendees expressed their pleasure to receive the training.

A member of a local council Ziauddin Sarbaghi called the program useful and said: “We learned topics about peace, social partnership, stability and these topics are very important for us.”

Sarbaghi said: “Now we are capable to solve family disputes, the disputes between villages and other challenging differences.”

Another participant of the training program, Mohammad Anwar Sadiqi asked for continuation of the program by the same organization and said: “Our capacity will be further improved through this program and we will be able even to train residents of other villages as well.”

The Afghan Development and Welfare Organization has implemented similar training projects about the rights of women in the past as well.


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