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Kabul residents seek unfreezing of Afghan assets

KABUL (Pajhwok): Kabul residents have called on the international community to release Afghanistan’s frozen assets, asking the government not to impede women’s education and work.

At a rally in Kabul on Monday, nearly 30 people, most of them men, chanted a variety of slogans such as: “If we don’t get along, we will be ruined. We must rebuild our homeland.”

While stressing the need for equality among ethnic groups, the demonstrators urged young people to swing into action before it was too late.

Shehla, a high school teacher, told Pajhwok Afghan News the caretaker government should not hinder women’s education, work and employment.

She said: “Women’s rights, which are enshrined in the Holy Quran, must be respected.”

Mohammad Anwari, another protestor, said: “Our demand is that the government should give all citizesn their rights, provide jobs for women and youth and ensure education for girls.”

He urged the Afghans to get involved in rebuilding their country and stop internecine tiffs in th supreme national interest.



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