PARON (Pajhwok): Passengers and drivers say the potholes-ridden road between eastern Kunar and Nuristan provinces has made their lives miserable and should be fundamentally .
PARON (Pajhwok): Construction work of three projects worth 25 million afghanis has been initiated in the Noorgram district of eastern Nuristan province. Local authorities said
PARON (Pajhwok): One person died and four others were injured after a pick up vehicle flipped over in Nurgram district of eastern Nuristan province, an
PARON (Pajhwok): Poppy crop grown on hundreds of acres land has been eradicated in eastern Nuristan province, an official said on Tuesday, but residents say
PARON (Pajhwok): Geologists and miners say mines in the geological zone of eastern Nuristan province are being dug unprofessionally, causing different problems. The zone encompasses
PARON (Pajhwok): The house and garden of the last king of Afghanistan, Mohammad Zahir Shah, in the Kamdesh district of eastern Nuristan province are teetering
PARON (Pajhwok): The residents of Paron, the provincial capital of eastern Nuristan province, and Wama district complained against the low quality of Afghan Wireless Communication
PARON (Pajhwok): Drivers say the Nuristan-Kunar road in eastern Nuristan province has been in a rundown condition since years, but this year the road .
PARON (Pajhwok): More than half of the schools in Nurgaram district of eastern Nuristan province are without buildings and most classes have no teachers, hampering