GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Bee keepers in southeastern Paktia province say recent rains badly affected their business and the honey production would be less this year compared
Continued rainfall and the existence of contaminated water ponds caused 6,000 people to suffer from diarrhea in the southeastern Paktia province in the past three months, an official said on Monday.
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Four newly-built health centers have been put into service in Gardez city and three districts of southeastern Paktia province, officials say. These .
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Recent floods destroyed 70 percent of the agricultural land in southeastern Paktia province besides sweeping away hundreds of houses, local officials said on
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Four people, including a child, were killed in yesterday’s flooding that devastated roads in southeastern Paktia province, the provincial Department of Information .
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Three butchers have been arrested for selling the meat of dead animals to unsuspecting customers. Police spokesman Mohammad Albadri told Pajhwok Afghan News
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): Hundreds of families who recently returned from Pakistan to southeastern Paktia province say the government should help rebuild their houses besides providing them
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Water and Power has launched a survey to construct nearly a dozen small dams in southeastern Paktia province, an official
GADREZ (Pajhwok): The residents of Chamkani and Janikhel districts of southeastern Paktia province have asked the government to reconstruct the highway between the two towns
KABUL (Pajhwok): Two Kalashnikov assault rifles, 13 pistols and a quantity of ammunition brought from Pakistan have been seized in Gardez, the capital of southeastern
GARDEZ (Pajhwok): At least 100 weapons and 20 vehicles have been seized during a house-to-house search operation in southeastern Paktia province. The clearing . .