JALALABAD (Pajhwok): This year 1,400 tonnes of peanuts yield produced in eastern Nangarhar province showing three times surge comparing to the last year production .
Local officials in eastern Nangarhar province say the Pakistani side has once again closed the Torkham crossing against transit trade, not allowing Afghan drivers to enter the country without visa.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): One person has been killed and another injured in a bomb blast in the Sara Road district of eastern Nangarhar province, an official has said.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Afghan repatriated families in eastern Nangarhar province have expressed concerns about the education of their children and asked government to provided education facilities
A number of officials and journalists of some media outlets have affirmed their support and welcomed Afghan refugees returned from Pakistan in Torkham of eastern Nangarhar province.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Some repatriated Afghans have said Pakistani military personnel had extorted them in Torkham and some other areas upon their return to Afghanistan. They
Elders and youth of the six districts related to the Shinwari tribe in eastern Nangarhar province are providing food and water to Afghan refugees returned from Pakistan.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): The transportation of refugees returning from Pakistan to their areas from the Torkham crossing has gained momentum, officials say. Poor families are being
Urban Water Supply Department officials say 75 percent houses in Jalalabad city, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, lack access to safely managed potable water and they use water from private wells.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): The Canal Department of eastern Nangarhar province has started harvesting olives and officials expect to produce about 300 tonnes of olive oil and